Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No, I didn't! Yes, I did!!!

I don't know how coherent this post will be.  It's very late at night, and I don't think well on so little sleep, but I'm kind of running on sheer adrenaline here.

Because guess what?

I finished!  That's right, I did it!  I finished my first book (I know you're all leaping and shouting with joy with me here, but keep in mind it's just a first draft).  Yippee!  It's 93, 579 words and officially ready to begin the long process of editing, revision and re-writing (after a well deserved break).

In the mean time, I feel a little bit like this:

I'm done!  I can't believe it!  Writing has never felt so good!

Oh my gosh!  What have I done?  A complete first draft?  Now I have to spend months and months editing and editing, and what have I got myself into?

I love this!  I want to stand on a mountain and shout to the world I finished my first book!

I'm terrified, I can't believe this!  I never thought this day would come!

In the meantime, I'm going to try and stop being so bi-polar, and get some sleep (all pictures from Disney's Tangled).

Sweet dreams everyone!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

ABNA Finalists

A note from the author, Regina Sirois. Visit amazon.com/abna, download the free excerpt, cast your vote for On Little Wings by May 30th in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award competition

Guess What???!!!???  Regina made the top three YA finalists for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award.  From 5000, to top 3.  That's like 0.06% odds - an incredible achievement in and of itself (I hope I did my math right - hehehe).

So this post is going to be short.  Here's what you need to do:

1. Click on the banner (or go to amazon.com/abna)

2. Download the free excerpt for her book (and the other two finalists if you choose)

3.  Read it (or read the whole book - you are in for a literary treat)

4.  If you like what you read, please support Regina and 'On Little Wings' by casting your vote.  It's free, its simple and its open till May 30th.

I know she appreciates any support.  We're rootin for you, Regina!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

On Creativity

My husband just finished one of the busiest semesters of his post-secondary education thus far, and as I helped him review his notes and articles for one of his finals, he came across a video from TED a professor had shown the class during a lecture.

He invited me to watch it, and I was glad I did.

I'm going to extend the same invitation to you - it's very entertaining - Sir Ken is an engaging speaker, but it also has an important message.

Though the context of the videos is based on the education system, I want you to focus on the points he makes about creativity.

Because as writers, creativity is like the flour of our story recipe.  It's not the only ingredient, but probably exists in the greatest quantity, playing a role alongside other important writing ingredients, such as research, grammar, spelling, plotting, characterization, editing and voice (this list is not exhausitive - there are as many different types and elements of stories as there are cookie recipes!).

So check them out, and let me know what you think!  Note - they are slightly long (15-20 mins or so):

Ken Robinson Says Schools Kill Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring On The Learning Revolution

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